We are good partner

– for launching new initiatives and interventions
– for trainings and seminars
– for youth exchanges
– for consultation in the development processes
– co-operational projects
– for mentoring
– for youth work
– for inspiration to be involved
– for non-formal learning


NGO Pro Consensio
reg nr: 80317024

phone: +372 5532 539
e-mail: info@proconsensio.ee

legal address: Käbi tn 28 Aespa alevik, Kohila vald Raplamaa 79744 Estonia

IBAN EE052200221051093353 Swedbank

NGO Pro Consensio established in 2013, is voluntary association focused to establish partnerships and cooperation with wide range of partners interested in environmental consciousness and safe society.

Our vision is to contribute to the development of caring civil society, youth work, educational innovation, health promotion, social welfare, charity, integration.

In achieving our aims we involve different target groups; initiate and promote projects, campaigns and others actions; among them conferences, seminars, workshops, trainings, camps, youth-exchanges etc. Part of our activities are research and consult driven, we conduct consultation, research and analyses, development programmes and action-plans, especially in the field of education, but as well local development. We have experience and we are in favour of local, regional, governmental and international projects and co-operational collaboration.

NGO Pro Consensio activities usually have combined professionals and volunteers collaboration and we see, that such combination of staff lead to the best results. Our collaboration network has grown and it consists members involved with the activities in the prevention field and youth work, like prevention specialists, youth workers, academics and social workers. Our members, both trainers and young volunteers, are active and are also promoting active involvement in the society.

Our NGO has created excellent connections with different associations and public bodies in Estonia and across the border. Also members of NGO are active in the youth field and have been participating due professional duties in several programmes and activities giving good practical base to share with other institutions from Estonia and other countries.

We have gained our experiences mainly from carrying out youth related trainings for youth, youth-workers and teachers and for us most potential topics to work with are: youth-engagement and participation, community-level interactions, early intervention, learning motivation, non-formal education.